The Advanced Care Learning Community covers key topics relating to health center care transformation, with a focus on the evolution of the primary care team. We meet twice a year and collaborate through several web-based learning opportunities. Each HRSA grant year, we choose a theme to examine together.
Archive of Past Projects
Please see below for more information on our past work.
2022-2023: Paths to Value-Based Care
June 2022 Conference – Building Value-Based Care Strategies
- Agenda
- A Central Oregon Cost-Saving Partnership and recording
- Using Implementation Science for Health System Improvement
- Alternative Payment & Advanced Care Model (APCM) 2.0 and recording
- Portland Metro Value-Based Contracting Partnership and recording
- Building your Workforce with a Trauma Informed Lens
- Exploring the use of Z-Codes for Social Needs Documentation and recording
April 2022 – Oregon Value Based Care History & Foundation, Presentation By: Craig Hostetler of Hostetler Group
2020-2021: Social Needs Care & Community Partnerships
February 2021 Conference – From Intent to Impact: CHWs and Community Engagement to Empower Health
Day 1 – CHW Value and Deployment
- Welcome: Why this Matters Now (Ariel Singer, OPCA)
- CHW Deployment Farmworker Outreach Strategies (Kelly Volkmann & Ulisses Fraile-Martinez, CHCs of Benton & Linn Counties)
- Measuring What Matters in CHW Programs: An Introduction to the CHW Common Indicators Project (Pennie Jewell & Noelle Wiggins, CHW Common Indicator Project leaders)
Day 2 – Empowering Communities and Community Organizing
- Organizing for Health Equity (Luis Manriquez, MD WSU Elson S Floyd College of Medicine)
- Building and Sustaining Community Partnership that Empower Patients (Rogue Community Health, Ryan Bair; De Las Mías, Ana C. Matiella; AllCare, Stick Crosby)
- Advocacy as a Health Center (Marty Carty, OPCA & Maya Roe-Bauer, Americorp Volunteer)
December 2020 Webinars:
- Using Social Service Resource Referral & Locator (SSRL) to Connect Patients to Community Resources
- Evolution of the Care Team in the Time of COVID
August 2020: SDH and Depression Screening Workshop: Re-imagining Care Teams & Workflows
- Agenda
- Slides (please contact Stephanie Castano, for copies of slides)
- Depression Screening Learning Collaborative flyer
2019-2020: Trauma-Informed Care Implementation
January 2020: From Trauma-Informed to Healing Organizations Conference
- Attendee Agenda and Speaker Biographies
- Keynote Presentation
- Panel Presentation: Examining How Health Care Culture Propagates Trauma and What to Do About It
- Breakout sessions
- Embodiment and Practice of Trauma-Informed Leadership
- Transforming Primary Care for Families and Youth through Resilience, Education, and Compassionate Connection
- Team-Based Trauma-Informed Oral Health Care
- Sustaining and Spreading Trauma-Informed Care in Clinical Practice and at the Systems Level
- Considerations for a Trauma-Informed Considerations for a Trauma-InformedApproach in Routine Patient Interactions
September 2019: Screening for Trauma in Primary Care Setting
July 2019 Workshop: Traveling the Trauma-Informed Care Roadmap at Oregon Health Centers
- Participant Agenda
- OPCA Presentation
- Keynote Presentation from Dr. Miguelina German from Montefiore Medical Center
2018 – 2019 Learning Sessions
January 2019 | Team-based approaches to responding to Substance Use Disorders in Primary Care
- Participant Agenda
- Learning Session Welcome, Keynote Plenary and HRSA Update
- Team Roles for Supporting Patients Experiencing Substance and Opioid Use Dependence
- Deeper Dive into Team Roles
- Engaging Peer Support Specialists to Partner with Patients
- Operationalizing MAT Systems in Primary Care
August 2018 | Social Determinants of Health & Health System Transformation
Keynote Address: Solving Disparities through Payment and Delivery System Reform by Marshall Chin of University of Chicago
Mini Learning Sessions:
- Exporting and Using SDH Data from OCHIN Epic by Winding Waters and Mosaic Medical
- Developing Risk Adjustment Models for Patient Care by Yakima Valley Farmworkers Clinic and Central City Concern
- Building Effective Partnerships with Community Resources by 211info and Project Access NOW
- Supporting the CHW Role in a Health Care Setting by Valley Family Health Care and Eastern Oregon CCO
- Building Data Capacity in a Community Health Center by Mosaic Medical
- CHC Leadership Engagement with CCOs by CHCs of Benton and Linn Counties and InterCommunity Health Network CCO
- Oregon’s CCOs: What do we know so far? by John McConnell of OHSU
- Evaluating Social Determinants of Health Programs by Caroline Fichtenberg of SIREN
January 2018 | Health Equity in Action: Aligning Payment and Care Transformation
- Participant Agenda
- Introduction and Welcome Presentation
- Health Equity in Action: Aligning Payment and Care Transformation by Marshall Chin
- Plenary Presentations
- Mosaic Medical Health Equity Analytics by Ken House and Marshall Green
- Effective Community Partnering to Address Domestic and Sexual Violence Screening, Referral and Prevention by Keri Moran-Kuhn and Julie McFarlane
Weaving People into Service Delivery: Our journey in walking beside others to implement PRAPARE by Kelly Volkmann, Christine Mosbaugh and Chris Campbell
- Mini Learning Sessions
- Mosaic Medical Health Equity Analytics by Ken House and Marshall Green
- Effective Community Partnering to Address Domestic and Sexual Violence Screening, Referral and Prevention by Keri Moran-Kuhn and Julie McFarlane
- Building Patient-Centered Social Determinants of Health Workflows to Improve Population Health Management by Carly Hood Ronick
- Care STEPs: From documentation to care redesign by Charles Ashou
- Human-Centered Design: A journey of understanding by Ariel Singer